5 Games to Entertain Yourself Indoor With your Emotional Support Dog

Do you have a registered animal with an ESA Letter at home? Are they bored? Or are you sick of the lockdown and staying in with your all the time?

Then, you should find some fun games to play inside with your dog. Playing these games can keep your pet's mind busy when it is winter and dark.

All in the family: dogs and children - Pets for Patriots

Your ESA needs attention and some activity to keep them engaged. They are eager for doggie games, so how about trying the following indoor activities?

They may not know how to do tricks, but they can play games with you.

You can hide or use a friend for hiding while your pet tries and find them. After the game is over, give your animal lots of praise and rewards for being awesome.

What if they don’t move even after getting the command or get eager beforehand?

Then it is time to work on impulse control of your animal. Train them by playing the game again and again with them for practice. This will be a game for them and will train them also.

Training your pet will help you get an emotional support letter easily. Otherwise, can dogs eat eggs your therapist may think that they are wild enough to live in a zoo.

Solve puzzles with your dog. This will keep your dog's brain active. You can also make a puzzle yourself. Here are some examples:

You can make an obstacle course for your pet to play with. You must be creative and come up with different obstacles. Start with simple jumps, then make them jump through hoops and walk through tunnels.

To make an obstacle in your home, you don't need to buy anything. Instead, you can do this with things you already have at home, like a laundry basket, curtain rods, PVC pipes, or even a hula hoop.

If you teach your dog to jump over a hoop or weave through cones, it will help them keep active. These are just some of the things that can be helpful for ESA training and getting an emotional support dog letter soon.

Another game for dogs is to teach them puzzle chasing. You can make a bubble-making toy from soap, water, and a straw.

Dogs like bubbles, so it is a good way to keep them active and busy.

To play this game with your dog indoors, blow 1-2 bubbles at a time. Then, can dogs eat orange peels make the dog pay attention to these bubbles by trying to catch them and encouraging them to do the same.

Do not let your dog get too close to the soap. After playing, wipe your dog's face with a wet cloth to clean it and avoid soap in its eyes.

A likable and common game to play with a dog is the "Treat or No Treat" game. It is also called the witch hand.

All you need are some treats and your hand. Let the dog choose which hand he wants to try first. The one you choose should have a treat in it. If he guesses correctly, give him the treat. If not, don't be disappointed in your animal and train them better.

Playing with your dog is a good way to exercise them. They like to play, and it will make them happy and healthy.

When you are playing, make sure that the area is safe not to get hurt. Through these games, you both will not get bored and will bond well.

If you don’t have an emotional support animal and all these games get you excited, get one now. Also, do not forget to get an ESA letter for housing if you want to live with them.

Useful Resources:

Different Categories Of Dog Breeds - 2021

Mental Health Practitioners And Therapists

Breeds That Make The Best Emotional Support Dogs

ESA Letter Sample For Housing Purposes

Buy Or Get Free Emotional Support Animal Letter?

Surprising Tips to Keep Your ESA Dog Healthy and Active in Winter - Guide